Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chevrolet Captiva ready to order - UK

The order books have opened -New Chevrolet Captiva from only £16,995 on-the-road

By Nigel Bernhard, TACH UK

(The Autocannel.com)

London January 15, 2007; With an impressive equipment list, stylish good looks, up to seven seats and brilliant all-round flexibility, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Captiva would cost a lot more than it does – yet prices start at just £16,995 on-the-road.

What’s more, even the entry-level model is superbly equipped – the front-wheel drive 2.4-litre LS 5-speed manual comes with air conditioning, a six-speaker radio-CD with MP3 capability and remote controls, electrically-adjustable mirrors, tailgate with separate opening rear window, front, side and roof airbags, 16-inch alloy wheels, five full-size three-point seatbelts, charcoal-coloured roof rails, remote two-stage central locking and a Thatcham-approved security system with deadlocks.

All diesel versions of Captiva are equipped with a sophisticated four-wheel drive system, incorporating Descent Control, 4WD traction control and ESP as standard.

In LT specification, the car can be ordered with a choice of five or seven seats, priced at £19,995 and £21,095 respectively.

As well as the four-wheel drive system, LT trim adds 17-inch alloy wheels, front fog lamps, a leather steering wheel and gearknob, an eight-speaker radio-CD player with MP3 capability, a glovebox cooling system and a passenger side under-seat storage drawer, while seven-seat models also get reverse parking sensors as standard. As well as the standard five-speed manual model, a five-speed automatic version of the seven-seat LT is available, priced at £22,195.

At the top of the range, the LTX model costs £23,695 as a manual, or £24,795 with automatic transmission. Standard equipment above the LT includes full leather trim with heated front seats, 18-inch alloy wheels, automatic lighting control and rain-sensing wipers, cruise control, a multi-function display panel, a radio with six-CD changer and MP3 capability, climate control with air quality system, silver-coloured front and rear skid plates, stainless steel sill plates, power-folding heated door mirrors with integrated turn signals and a visible twin-pipe exhaust system with chrome detailing. All LTX models come with seven seats.

In readiness for its delivery to the first customers in the summer, Captiva is currently touring the UK, visiting Chevrolet retailers across the network with special winter-themed open nights. Invited guests will be able to take refreshments and canapés while being given the chance to preview Captiva close-up, while special winter-themed craft activities will be laid on for the children.

All versions of Captiva are available to order now, with the first cars set to be delivered to customers in June.

London January 15, 2007; The order books have opened for Chevrolet’s most exciting new model yet, and it builds on the brand’s reputation for incredible value for money.

With an impressive equipment list, stylish good looks, up to seven seats and brilliant all-round flexibility, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Captiva would cost a lot more than it does – yet prices start at just £16,995 on-the-road.

What’s more, even the entry-level model is superbly equipped – the front-wheel drive 2.4-litre LS 5-speed manual comes with air conditioning, a six-speaker radio-CD with MP3 capability and remote controls, electrically-adjustable mirrors, tailgate with separate opening rear window, front, side and roof airbags, 16-inch alloy wheels, five full-size three-point seatbelts, charcoal-coloured roof rails, remote two-stage central locking and a Thatcham-approved security system with deadlocks.

All diesel versions of Captiva are equipped with a sophisticated four-wheel drive system, incorporating Descent Control, 4WD traction control and ESP as standard.

In LT specification, the car can be ordered with a choice of five or seven seats, priced at £19,995 and £21,095 respectively.

As well as the four-wheel drive system, LT trim adds 17-inch alloy wheels, front fog lamps, a leather steering wheel and gearknob, an eight-speaker radio-CD player with MP3 capability, a glovebox cooling system and a passenger side under-seat storage drawer, while seven-seat models also get reverse parking sensors as standard. As well as the standard five-speed manual model, a five-speed automatic version of the seven-seat LT is available, priced at £22,195.

At the top of the range, the LTX model costs £23,695 as a manual, or £24,795 with automatic transmission. Standard equipment above the LT includes full leather trim with heated front seats, 18-inch alloy wheels, automatic lighting control and rain-sensing wipers, cruise control, a multi-function display panel, a radio with six-CD changer and MP3 capability, climate control with air quality system, silver-coloured front and rear skid plates, stainless steel sill plates, power-folding heated door mirrors with integrated turn signals and a visible twin-pipe exhaust system with chrome detailing. All LTX models come with seven seats.

In readiness for its delivery to the first customers in the summer, Captiva is currently touring the UK, visiting Chevrolet retailers across the network with special winter-themed open nights. Invited guests will be able to take refreshments and canapés while being given the chance to preview Captiva close-up, while special winter-themed craft activities will be laid on for the children.

All versions of Captiva are available to order now, with the first cars set to be delivered to customers in June.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Most Memorable Ads of 2006

In the world of advertising and marketing, 2006 was all hanging it out there and accepting the consequences, both positive and not

Phew! Communications in 2006 was not a total disaster. Far from it. If I had to sum it all up in one simple statement, I would say this was The Year of at Least Trying.

Trying to get away from the clichés, the dogma, the focus groups, the bad precedents, and the bad addy-ads; of trying to experiment with format, with media, and with brand "elasticity." Finally, there were signs of consumers being credited with intelligence. Of course there were still lots of bad campaigns; misfired attempts to be "viral," or bad ads linked to bad multimedia campaigns (in my opinion, a boring cereal ad that directs me to a equally boring Web site droning on about the joys of recapturing childhood is just double-annoying, but there you go).

We're clearly at an inflection point. I'm not even a traditional ad-guy and I've been asked to write this, so what does that say? We're all firmly in this together—marketers, designers, clients, agencies, researchers, ethnographers, art directors and writers, all being sniped at, out-thought, and remixed by consumers younger than our own kids. Hard as it is to say, in most cases, they're as good, if not better, at this stuff than we are. Now, together, we must figure out where to go from here. But before we get in to a whole spiral of circle drumming, chest-beating and problem-solving, let's take a quick tour of some of the highlights of the last year.

Most Memorable ads of 2006..

Most Memorable ads of 2006 , Part 2..

Monday, December 18, 2006

Jawaban dari GM atas curang promosi servis

Berikut ini adalah jawaban yang telah disampaikan oleh Pak Suwadji pada
tanggal 14 Desember 2006 ke alamat blazer_montera@yahoogroups.com


Tol Free : 0 800 10 24389 (CHEVY)
Hot Line : 021-88955105
Fax : 021-8849341
e-mail : chevrolet.indonesia@...

12/14/2006 09:48 blazer_montera@yahoogroups.com
AM cc

Re: [milis_blazer] Re[2]: Penawaran
Paket Desember 2006... setau
saya...(Document link: Suwadji
Wirjono GMC MAil)

Selamat pagi kepaa semua rekan-rekan pemakai mobil Chevrolet diseluruh
Indonesia !

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua rekan di BIC dan juga Pak Barry
yang secara tidak langsung mengingatkan saya tentang hal yang disampaikan
melalui milis tempo hari, dan yang belum kami jawab oleh karena berbagai
situasi terutama situasi issue internal yang terjadi pada saat itu yang
menguras semua fokus dari setiap pimpinan dept dan mengkonsumsi waktu serta
upaya agar perusahaan kami dapat terus exsist beroperasi di Indonesia
(mungkin Bapak-Bapak juga sudah mengetahui issue ini), dan yang sebetulnya
masih dalam taraf pembenahan dasar sejak April 2006 hingga kepergian
PresDir GMAW Bp Ali Pandir.

Saat ada dimilis, pihak kami juga berdiskusi dengan Pak Didiek, namun terus
terbengkalai karena hal internal tersebut, namun apapun kondisi dan
situasinya, terlambat adalah tetap terlambat, dan pihak kami bisa menerima
pendapat apapun dari berbagai pihak atas hal tersebut.
Dan sebelum kami sampaikan penjelasan ini, dengan rendah hati dan tulus
kami sampaikan permohonan maaf kepada semua pihak yang telah merasa terusik
karena simpang siurnya informasi, semoga dibukakan pintu maaf yang

Ada 3 hal yang akan saya sampaikan yaitu ; hub oli mesin dan transmisi,
hal spesifikasi dan penggunaannya (sesuai dengan pertanyaan Pak Barry yang
relevan dengan hal oli) dan oli ACDelco berlabel ganda.

Menjawab pertanyaan Pak Barry, dapat kami sampaikan bahwa perubahan fungsi
kerja automatic transmission saat kick down, merupakan proses kerja yang
terlepas dari kerja mesin, karena kedua mesin menggunakan oli yang berbeda
dan terpisah, serta memiliki system yang terpisah juga.
Perubahan saat kick down, dapat disebabkan karena beberapa kemungkinan
misalnya : oli transmisi yang sudah lama tdk diganti apalagi tidak diflush
(seharusnya tiap 20.000KM), filter oli di A/T transmission yang mungkin
kotor, fungsi klep dan solenoid (electric) yang mungkin sudah menurun
fungsinya dll. Kebetulan sekali bahwa kendaraan Pak Barry sudah dipakai
sekitar 5 tahun ini dan bisa kebetulan juga kalau terjadinya perubahan
fungsi tersebut setelah penggantian oli mesin.
Tetapi dapat kami pastikan dari aspek tehnis ataupun fungsi bahwa oli mesin
sama sekali tidak memiliki pengaruh apapun terdapat fungsi bagian-bagian
lain kecuali mesin itu sendiri. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan
didealer kami.

Mengenai penggunaan oli SAE 10W40 - API SL.
Kualitas oli memiliki 2 pedoman dasar yaitu :
1. Kekentalan (dalam hal ini sifat oli bukan kental seperti arti
Disimbulkan SAE (Society of Automotive Engineer dari USA)
Ada dua kelompok : Single Grade (SAE 30, SAE 40 dll) juga Multi Grade (SAE
10W40, SAE 20W50, SAE 5W30, SAE 15W50 dll)
Mesin jaman dulu sebelum 1980, rata-rata menggunakan single grade, bensin
SAE 30, karena oil clearance dan temperatur kerja lebih kecil dan SAE 40
umumnya dipakai diesel karena celah & temperatur kerja mesin lebih tinggi.
Kelompok kedua adalah multi grade yang memiliki arti,
10 berarti lebih encer dan 40 berarti lebih pekat (sifatnya) - W berarti
saat Winter/musim dingin.
Berarti Saat dingin oli harus encer (sifatnya) dan saat panas oli harus
kental (sifatnya)

Mesin memerlukan oli SAE 10, saat temperatur ruang sekitar 0 derajat C,
sesuatu yang tidak pernah terjadi di Indonesia umumnya, (suhu di Indonesia
pada umumnya sekitar 25 ~ 35 derajat). Karena itu pada dasarnya mobil yang
dioperasikan didaerah tropis semacam Indonesia ini justru memerlukan oli
dengan kekentalan yang berkisar antara 30 ~ 50 seperti yang telah terjadi
selama ini. Dan terbukti bahwa oli SAE 20W50, merupakan oli yang banyak
dipergunakan diindustri otomotif dan dimiliki hampir oleh semua merk oli di
Seharusnya setiap kendaraan perlu dilakukan general check up (overhaull
untukseluruh bagian chassis, suspensi, rem, kopling dan mesin) agar kembali
kekondisi normal, sehingga walaupun sudah tua, masih tetap dapat
menggunakan oli spt yang disarankan, namun umumnya general check up ini
tidak pernah dilakukan, dan tentu saja celah dimesin menjadi semakin besar
karena keausan, oleh karena itu kompensasi atas peningkatan kekentalan oli
merupakan salah satu jalan keluarnya

2. Kualitas dalam hal Fungsi/kemampuan sebuah oli
Disimbulkan dalam singkatan API (American Petroleum Institute dari USA)
Dimulai dari SA - SB-SC dan saat ini sudah mencapai SM
Huruf A menandakan kualitas terendah, huruf M (semakin tinggi menunjukkan
kualitas semakin baik)
(untuk diesel engine tidak dibahas disini)
Kualitas ini sebenarnya ditentukan oleh JUMLAH dan JENIS kandungan aditif
yang dicampurkan kedalam BASE OIL yang terdiri dari 5 level (level 1~2 -
mineral based oli, level 3 ~5 merupakan Synthetic Based oli)
Semakin tinggi dan bagusnya aditif yang dicampurkan, maka semakin baik dan
semakin tinggi mutu oli tersebut.

(Tergantung merk masing-masing rata-rata secara umum, desain dasar
Mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun 67, masih dapat menggunakan oli berbasis
API service SB-SC
Mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun 79, masih dapat menggunakan oli berbasis
API service SD-SE
Mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun 93, masih dapat menggunakan oli berbasis
API service SF-SG
Mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun 2001 masih dapat menggunakan oli berbasis
API service SJ
Mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun 2004 masih dapat menggunakan oli berbasis
API service SL
Desain 2004 hingga hari ini, disarankan memakai oli berbasis API service
SM (serial tertinggi SAAT ini)
Mesin yang diproduksi setelah 2000 dan MEMILIKI HIGH PERFORMANCE,
sebaiknya menggunakan oli SL atau lebih tinggi (karena beberapa merk yang
diproduksi setelah tahun 2000, memakai mesin yang didesain sebelum tahun
1995, jadi untuk mesin-mesin tersebut sebenarnya cukup pakai oli API SF/SG
dan jika menggunakan oli dengan API yang lebih tinggi akan bagus sekali
tetapi tidak efisien dan mahal.
Data ini saya ambil dari panduan API service di WWW.API.org dan juga dari
pengalaman bekerja sbg mekanik sejak tahun 1977 hingga hari ini.

Beberapa oli (terutama SM) memang disinyalir dapat dan mampu memberikan
tambahan tenaga mesin, namun saya kira hanya akan dikembangkan
dilaboratorium dan penggunaan yang khusus, karena dapat dipastikan harga
jualnya sangat tinggi, selama oli tersebut menyesuaikan diri dengan
Standarda ILSAC dan Energy Conserving.

Hal ketiga adalah : Oli ACDelco, Merk ini dimiliki oleh ACDelco Amerika
yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari GM Worldwide Amerika yang berdiri sejak
tahun 1890, yang diformulasikan, diproduksi, didistribusikan, dipasarkan
dan dikembangkan keseluruh dunia melalui business unit GM Worldwide saja.
Dinegara yang tidak ada business unit GM, maka merk dan produknya tidak
akan dikembangkan atau dipasarkan.
Beberapa produk yang diproduksi Oli, Aki, Electric parts, sepatu rem,
filter, sensor, bola lampu, wiper blade, octane booster, aditif, cleaner
Sebagai pemilik merk dan segala aspeknya, maka GM worldwide juga
menggunakannya untuk semua mobil keluaran GM (tentu dengan pengecualian
dibeberapa negara dan spesifikasi mobil tersebut, sport misalnya).

Dalam hal ini, GM Indonesia tentu saja akan menggunakan oli ACDelco yang
memenuhi standard mutu & spesifikasi GM Worldwide, agar semua sekitar 16
merk dibawah bendera GM Worldwide.(Opel, Chevy, Saturn, Buick, Holden,
Vauxhaull, Saab, Daewoo dlsb) dapat exist terus menerus.
Sebagai tambahan, kamipun di GM Indonesia mematuhi semua aspek yang
ditentukan oleh ACDelco Amerika tanpa kecuali, termasuk tata cara
memasarkan, signage, product spec, product development dlsb, karena itu
ACDelco dapat bertahun lebih dari 100 tahun.

Di Indonesia, produk ACDelco dijual melalui 2 channel :
1. Dealer GM bervolume terbatas, disupply oleh GMAW Bekasi
2. Aftermarket bervolume tinggi, disupply oleh Distributor yg ditunjuk
ACDelco Indonesia yang notabene GMAW juga (untuk produk mobil, motor 2
langkah., motor 4 langkah dengan bebagai variant produk, desain, warna dan

Karena itu kebijakan penjualan kepasar/ke konsumen (end user didealer dan
pemakai/konsumen non Chevy) harus disinergikan agar tidak merusak satu sama
lain terutama harga jual HET, harga tebus toko, harga tebus dealer dan
harga tebus Distributor.

Pada saat pogram Paket 1 harga, dilangsungkan, GMAW ATPM memberikan
discount oli ACDelco 30% kepada semua dealernya supaya harga Rp 125.000
tercapai dan dealer tidak mengalami kerugian dan mau menjalankan program,
tersebut, dan GM juga mensubsidi filter oli 25%.
Untuk menghindari "gangguan pasar" atau "penggunaan kesempatan" atas
discount 30% tersebut, maka GMAW mengambil kebijakan untuk mengganti label
oli dibotol agar : Berbeda dan Tidak mudah disalah gunakan, sebab
terdeteksi dengan mudah oleh semua pihak (GMAW ACDelco, Distributor ACDelco
diseluruh Indonesia, toko ACdelco, dealer ACDelco dan Konsumen)

Problemnya adalah bahwa pada saat produksi, pesanan kami tidak dapat
dipenuhi segera karena keterbatasan waktu ke pabrik oli, jumah pesanan kami
dan Distributor seluruh Indonesia, dan situasi saat itu, dan permintaan
GMAW Bekasi untuk mengganti label di Pabrik tidak dapat dipenuhi (pabrik
juga full order), dan ketersediaan botol terbatas, sementara paket satu
harga sudah harus berjalan per 01Sep 2006.
Kebijakan yang diambil adalah mengisi oli SAE 10W40 - API service SL ke
botol (1 liter) termasuk yang sudah berlabel apapun, yang penting cepat
segera diproduksi dan didistribusikan ke semua dealer, dengan perhitungan
bahwa bagaimanapun label akan diganti untuk mendukung kebijakan diatas.
Semua skenario tersebut sudah benar direncanakan, namun yang terjadi diawal
penggantian label adalah bahwa pekerja kontrak luar (outsorce) salah
memahami perintah yang diberikan dan begitu saja melekatkan label khusus
diatas label lainnya saat bekerj digudang kami
Pengiriman prioritas adalah ke 2 dealer Jakarta karena mereka memang
membutuhkan, dan segera diketahui oleh petugas dealer dan dari hasil
investigasi, GMAW bekasi mengambil langkah recall atas produk label ganda
dan digantikan dengan yang seharusnya.

Untuk luar pulau, dibutuhkan waktu 2 minggu delivery (oli/bahan kimia harus
via kapal) dan sempat kami sampaikan agar memeriksa ulang dan
mengirimkannya kembali ke GM Bekasi dengan beban biaya GMAW

Namun dapat diyakinkan dan dipastikan bahwa oli yang ada didalam setiap
botol tersebut adalah oli SAE 10W40 - API Service SL, sesuai dengan
spesifikasi detail uji kimia yang dilakukan di Corelab-Cilandak (badan uji
independent oli) tanggal : 25 September 2006 dibandingkan dengan
spesifikasi dasar yang ditentukan oleh ACDelco ke produsennya.
Pengujian laboratorium ini, adalah bentuk antisipasi GMAW (proses
produksi), agar secara tehnis dapat dijamin dan mempertebal keyakinan semua
pihak bahwa mesin yang diisi dengan oli tersebut akan tetap dapat
beroperasi dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya.

Untuk menghindari situasi yang berulang dan yang seharusnya tidak perlu
(dengan tingkat kerepotan dan kebijakan), maka GMAW Bekasi dalam waktu
dekat ini TIDAK lagi menjual dan mensupply produk ACDelco (Oli dan AKi)
kedealer Chevrolet, dan nantinya akan dihandle satu pintu melalui
distributor ACDelco diseluruh Indonesia.
Semoga melalui perbaikan system ditingkat internal GMAW Indonesia, situasi
serupa dimasa depan dapat dihindari & dieliminasi demi perbaikan operasi GM
diseluruh Indonesia.
Sekali lagi terima kasih yang tulus dari pihak kami GMAW Indonesia atas
koreksi, perhatian dari semua pihak.


Suwadji Wirjono

Komplain dari milis blazer_montera@yahoogroups.com :

Posted by: "Diaz@office" tomikris@gmail.com tomikris

Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:12 pm (PST)

Yang Kami hormati bapak bapak Petinggi GM,

Mohon tanggapan dari bapak bapak untuk segera menggunakan hak jawab yang
diberikan ketua umum BIC kami dimilis ini,

Seperti kita ketahui bersama, bahwa jika Ketua Umum kami bersabda, maka
titah beliau. akan segera dipatuhi seluruh anggota BIC di Indonesia.

Secara pribadi yang saya ketahui saat ini, Ketua Umum kami sedang sibuk
menyabarkan para anggota BIC untuk tidak segera bertindak sendiri sendiri,
karena hingga detik ini pihak GM belum juga menggunakan hak jawabnya.

Kami mengetahui bahwa pihak GM memonitor milis ini dan kami juga sudah
melakukan cross check bahwa issue ini sudah diketahui oleh pihak GM.

Ini hanyalah gently reminder dari kami komunitas pengguna blazer di
Indonesia yang sangat prihatin mutu service yang diberikan GM pada
customernya di


Tomi Diaz

(yang ngeri membayangkan kalau kalau BIC akhirnya segera bertindak sesuai
norma yang berlaku)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kanjeng Kyai Sentot E Baskoro" To: <bic@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <blazer_montera@yahoogroups.com>

Tabek Barry et all,

Saya menyambut baik penawaran paket desember 2006 ini dgn pesan yg

Saya menjadikan ini sebagai 'semacam' tuduhan karena sampai saat ini
pihak GM tidak menggunakan hak jawabnya atas pertanyaan yang diajukan
oleh salah satu anggota BIC mengenai ditemukannya stiker oli yang
digunakan ternyata dibawahnya ada stiker oli yang sebenarnya, yaitu
oli motor.

Saat ini kami sedang mempertimbangkan untuk mengajukan kasus
'penempelan stiker oli' ini ke pengadilan dengan tuduhan penipuan
konsumen. Jika materi hukum dan biaya serta kemungkinan menangnya
memadai, maka tidak perlu waktu yang lama untuk segera melihat GM
harus membuktikan dirinya bersih di depan pengadilan.

Sentot KKSEB Baskoro
"Life is short, so eat a lot..."

Ing dinten Monday, December 11, 2006,jam 9:20:42 AM, panjenengan nyerati:

saya...Setau saya...
ini paket berlaku di semua bengkel resmi GM di DKI (Armada, Hangtuah,
R'sona, Fontana, dkk) untuk semua mobil keluaran GMI (tp ga tau kalo u/
Trooper, Kadett), harganya 125 ribu.
itu termasuk ganti oli, filter oli, dan jasanya plus pengecekan 10 item.
saya memanfaatkannya bulan lalu untuk Zafira saya di bengkel Fontana Gunung
tp di
sana dapet olinya AC Delco 10-40w. pengecekan 10 item sih gitu2 aja.
cuma diliat masing2 kondisinya, yg sdh harus diganti disarankan u/ diganti.
demikian sharing infonya...


----- Original Message -----

From: citrasp
milis_blazer] Penawaran Paket Desember 2006

Kepada Yth, Jakarta, 29 November 2006
Pelanggan PT Citra Nusa Wahana

Perihal : Penawaran Paket Desember 2006

Dengan hormat,

Terima kasih atas loyalitas Bapak/Ibu sebagai pelanggan kami Bengkel
Kendaraan Chevrolet/ Opel sepanjang tahun 2006 yang sebentar lagi akan
berakhir dan masuk tahun 2007.

Menjelang akhir tahun 2006 ini , kami akan memberikan penawaran khusus
bagi pelanggan setia kami, berupa Paket Ganti Oli Mesin dan Tune Up, yaitu

a.. Ganti Oli Mesin dengan Shell Helix Super atau Shell Helix Plus
Gratis : Oil Filter & Check Up 10 Items

a.. Tune Up Mesin
Gratis : Uji Emisi Gas Buang & Check Up 10 Items

Program berlaku sampai dengan bulan Desember 2006 untuk semua kendaraan
Chevrolet dan Opel.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berharga ini, dan kami dengan senang hati akan
menerima kedatangan Bapak/ Ibu di bengkel kami.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih

PT Citra Nusa Wahana
Jl. Arjuna Utara Kav.89 (samping Tomang Tol)
Jakarta Barat
Ph 021-5656791


Monday, December 11, 2006

The Challenge of Changing GM

David Welch

Even the most gung-ho General Motors executive will admit that one of the company’s most vexing problems is changing the image of its brands with many consumers, especially those on the coasts who swore off American cars of every stripe years ago. The tough part, says GM car czar Robert A. “Bob” Lutz, is that it can’t be done with simple marketing. In a recent interview, Lutz said that “there isn’t enough marketing money in the world to change the perception of some of our brands overnight.”

No doubt about that. So what will it take? At a media backgrounder last week, Lutz, his boss, Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner and a handful of other GM brass, showed off a raft of future cars that they hope will get them some much-needed attention. The designs are good, very good in fact. GM swore all media and analysts to secrecy on the cars until they show them at auto shows coming up in the next few months. But it’s clear that design has taken a big step at GM. The cabins also are more posh, with richer materials and a more artistic layout gracing the cabins of the future cars. So long as GM's purchasing department doesn't replace the fine leather we saw with office-furnitire vinyl and deck out the dashboards in plastic from Mattel, the confines of tomorrow's Chevrolets will be pretty nice.

Lutz readily accepts that only good design—married with good quality and performance--will do the trick, and GM will need to do that with a few generations worth of cars. When asked how GM can erase its decades-old image for being stodgy, behind the times and second rate, he first jumped on his old hobby horse that the media doesn’t give GM a fair shake. When he was at Chrysler, Lutz said, it was easier because the company is smaller and one model could have a bigger impact on perception. Plus, the media always saw the smallest of the Big Three as the perennial underdog. Journalists had a soft spot for Chrysler and would cut the company some slack. Not so GM.

But he stopped short of blaming the press for GM's woes. What GM needs, he said, is “a seemingly endless barrage of highly successful and highly acclaimed products that will lead even the least-knowledgeable journalist to conclude that something is changing.” But he did admit that, “It’s a long process. It took us 30 years to get where we are. We lived off momentum and didn’t reinvest in the brands.”

Lutz's models offer some hope. Jim Hall, vice president of automotive research firm AutoPacific, called the cars, “another reason to feel good about GM.” There’s one problem, though. While many journalists left impressed with GM’s future models, they might have been equally impressed had they just taken a top-secret sojourn through the showrooms of tomorrow at Toyota, Honda or Nissan. But I’ll go out on a limb here. GM can get back in the game with these new cars. If they can get back into financial shape and come up with the cash to make a lot more of them, the company may even be able to steal a march on a few competitors.

Original Article..

2007 Chevy Aveo (USA) - Chevy Kalos (Indonesia)

by Rex Roy - The Car Connection

New styling inside and out looks better than the outgoing model.

The base Aveo LS is a basic car … maybe too basic?

Front seats and cup holders should be better.

That jingling you hear isn't sleigh bells - it's actually the change left in your pocket after filling the 2007 Chevrolet Aveo's 45 Liter (11.9-gallon) fuel tank. This is but one of the joys of driving Chevy's small-but-tall people hauler. The fact that it is (actually) not bad to drive is another.

If you're a car-type person, you may remember that the Aveo was all-new in 2004. In a move that shows just how competitive today's automotive world is, General Motors elected to refurbish their entry-level model for its fourth model year. Good thing, too, as the Aveo's competition is just as fresh, and includes solid players such as the Hyundai Accent, the Honda Fit, and the Toyota Yaris.

Sipping to 100 km/h (60 mph)

Like these other automotive appliances, fuel economy is the name of the game, and the Aveo's 1.6-liter engine delivers 11.4km/L City/ 15.6km/L Highway (27 mpg/37 mpg) with a five-speed manual, and 10.6/14.4km/L (25/34 mpg) with the optional four-speed automatic ($850). The double-overhead-cam, aluminum-block engine puts out 103 horsepower and 145Nm (107 pound-feet) of torque using technology like variable induction - that would be a dual-path, staged intake manifold.

If you're looking for pavement-buckling power, look elsewhere. The powertrain gets the job of acceleration done, but it takes its time doing it. Zero to 60 mph is measured with two digits in front of the decimal, not one.

Performance of another kind

Realistically, this car is not meant to star in the next Tokyo Drift movie. But, it will happily take you and three of your pals to the movie theater … a fourth bud can come along if he/she is kind of small, hip-wise. The Aveo's tall profile provides plenty of headroom, especially up front.

In the rear, there's ample room for passengers up to around 180cm (5'10"). Legroom is adequate up front, but this measurement in the rear feels a bit pinched. The feeling is aggravated by goofy cushion skirts fitted to the rear of the front seats. They visually clean up the joint between the front seats' back and bottom cushions, but they poke out stiffly to jab rear-seat passengers in the ankles.

On the plus side, materials covering the seats and dash looked good and didn't scream, "You're in a cheap car, sucker." Panel gaps were even, another good sign.

Over the river…

Our review period took place over the Thanksgiving holiday, so we loaded the family into the Aveo up for the two-hour drive to grandma's to fully evaluate the Aveo's capabilities. This test revealed that the interior is plenty comfortable for about half that ride. After the midway point, seat cushions get to feeling hard, and drivers whine about the long reach to the steering wheel and the too-close positioning of the dead pedal.

The cup holders also drew poor reviews. Up front, a pair springs out from the center stack like an insect with extra-large mandibles. We wouldn't recommend trusting them to hold your Big Gulp. Another beverage rest stop was molded into the very rear of the center console. Its shallow design completely compromises its effectiveness, so rear-seat drinkers are better off keeping their beverage of choice tucked safely between their knees. We speak from experience. The fact that there is only one center armrest (affixed to the driver's seat) also drew criticism from the occupant of the front passenger seat.

During our time on the road, the interior proved exceptionally quiet for a car in this class. Even at 130km/h (80 mph), conversation was easy. While we didn't put a dB meter in the Aveo, it was certainly quieter than the Accent SE we recently tested, and even seemed quieter than the Saturn Vue Green Line we drove earlier in November. The lack of wind and tire noise is to be commended.

The ride also garnered positive comments. Large potholes and freeway expansion joints were handled capably. There is little body lean in corners, but the tiny P185/60R14 all-season tires don't let you generate tons of lateral acceleration. Understeer is expected and delivered. One quibble is that the steering feels nervous at highway speeds. Never unsafe, mind you, just always needing correction and lacking in a comfortable on-center feel. Perhaps this is remedied on the Aveo LT with its lower-profile, 55-series 15-inch tires.

As previously noted, the Aveo does not present itself as a hot rod. Completely in character, our provided tester was equipped with a four-speed automatic. Shifts were generally smooth and well timed. Eyeing the almost ten-percent increase in fuel economy, we wished we had tested a model with a five-speed manual. Along with a bump in highway mileage, we expect the extra cog would make the Aveo feel sportier and less like an inexpensive rental car.

All Aveo models feature front disc and rear drum brakes. The system is unremarkable in its capabilities and performance. Anti-lock brakes are optional, something we find surprising in 2007.

Right for you?

Our 2007 Aveo LS stickered for a reasonable Rp.123.510.000 (US$13,425) before adding in the Rp.5.200.000 (US$565) destination charge. We recommend forgoing the automatic transmission and option up to the LT model as you'll benefit from added features such as power door locks and cruise control that the LS doesn't have.

Be sure to check out the Aveo5 before you make a final decision, as Chevy does offer a hatchback version along with the sedan pictured here.

Chevy's Aveo is a strong seller in the class, and GM hopes its updates for 2007 will help keep the sales numbers at the top of charts. We can't predict how well the car will do in 2007, but we do know the Korean-built Aveo (by GM's subsidiary, Daewoo) can rack up 640km (400 miles) without a pit stop. Combined with GM's new corporate warranty that provides powertrain coverage for five years or 100,000 miles (USA conditions), this is a solid contender for the driver who wants an inexpensive, reliable, and efficient commuter car.

2007 Chevrolet Aveo LS (USA test)

Base price: Rp.108.100.000-Rp.123.510.000 ($11,750; $13,425 as tested)

Engine: 1.6-liter DOHC four-cylinder, 103 hp/145Nm (106 lb-ft)

Transmission: Four-speed automatic, front-wheel drive

Length x width x height: 4310 x 1709 x 1504mm (169.7 x 67.3 x 59.2 in)

Wheelbase: 2479mm (97.6 in)

Curb weight: 1153kg (2542 lb)

Fuel economy (EPA city/hwy): 10.6/14.4km/L (25/34 mpg)

Safety equipment: Front and side airbags

Major standard features:

Tilt steering column, air conditioning with air filtration system, rear window defogger,

AM/FM sound with auxiliary input jack, 60/40 split-folding rear seat

Warranty: Three years/36,000 miles

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Chevrolet Prisma “Y” Concept

Text & Photos edited by Clinton Deacon
Source: General Motors

Chevrolet Prisma “Y” Concept
2 November 2006

Based on the newly launched Sedan Prisma, it is a very versatile multipurpose vehicle

Inspired in the new model recently launched by Chevrolet, Sedan Prisma, General Motors do Brasil’s Design Area created Prisma “Y”, a stylish vehicle which was carefully conceived with a view to developing an adventurous version.

Prisma “Y” is a model aimed at young consumers who are very interested in adventures”, emphasized Carlos Barba, GM Design Director for LAAM Division, encompassing Latin America, Africa and Middle East regions.

The design was totally developed by using the modern GM Design Department’s virtual reality room – the only existing one in the automotive sector all around Country -, and the letter “Y” is the initial of the English word “young” or “youth”.

“For developing Prisma “Y”, we focused on finding out the current directions of the Brazilian market. Our challenge was to find out the Brazilian tendencies and lifestyle”, commented Carlos Barba.

According to Barba, Prisma “Y” is a sportive and versatile vehicle, with capacity to carry not only five people, but also several camping and surfing equipment, including surfboards and bikes. “Everything that reminds us of weekend recreation and leisure is what our concept vehicle aims at”, added Barba.

A multipurpose vehicle to be used in the city, highways and countryside

“We sought to create a perfect balance for the vehicle to be used in the city, highways and countryside”. Having an appropriate size and features to be used in the city, Prisma “Y” is always ready to provide weekend leisure on the beach or countryside”, stated Barba.

The main challenge of the Design Department was to add the practicality and robustness look of the Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) to the Prisma model. The main change in the appearance is the type of the body, turning from a sedan to a multipurpose model.

As one of the most important features of Prisma “Y” is its luggage compartment, the GM’s Design Department took special care for its functionality and volumetric capacity. Despite of its volumetric capacity, the horizontal and vertical opening dimensions are very competitive.

For this reason, the Prisma “Y” ’s luggage compartment had its volumetric capacity increased, in comparison to the Sedan Prisma’s, and its access improved for loading large-sized objects, including bikes, camping equipments and other issues related to leisure activities.

Distinguished Look

The second challenge faced during the conception of Prisma “Y” was to lift the suspension system as well as install all-terrain tires (asphalt/dirt pavements). The 16-inch wheels were exclusively designed for the vehicle.

Like Prisma, what prevails on its front robust end is the trapezoidal graphic element. The remarkable vertical central fold where is applied the new Chevrolet logo is applied with a golden bowtie takes also part of the new brand identity.

The front bumpers, painted in gray-color, with silver-color details, are equipped with integrated auxiliary headlight. Its design is inspired in off-road vehicles, whose angle of attack is a very important aspect to be considered.

As for the Prisma “Y” ’s body sides, is the fender trim as well the lower part of the doors painted in gray-color draw attention. The larger rear-mirrors were also exclusively designed to match the vehicle’s appearance.

Horizontal lines with clean and remarkable surfaces prevail on the rear end. The front and the rear ends are both sectioned by a vertical fold, the new brand’s DNA, where the new Chevrolet logo is applied to. The rear bumpers follow the same design line of the front ones. The rear lid window is integrated to the side ones, providing a better rear view.

The main attractive feature of Prisma “Y” is the panoramic sunroof. All passengers can use it in addition to the central upper console integrated to the dashboard, which extends backwards, increasing the number of object-holders available in its interior.

The body was painted in glossy blue color with gray and silver details.

Off-Road Characteristics

Prisma “Y” ’s interior was developed in such a way to establish synergy with the same design style used for the exterior part of vehicle. As a result, Prisma ‘Y’ got modern and simple shapes, both for the instrument panel and door finish panels. The GM do Brasil’s new concept car will be equipped with customization items, made of exclusive materials appropriate for off-road use.

When conceived, Prisma “Y” was also equipped with rear seats that can be completely folded up to the floor level, following the flex-space system adopted for mono-volume Zafira.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dari Milis Zafira

Artikel dari milis zafira@yahoogroups.com

Hi..Ninja dan rekan2 Zafiers lainnya,

Terdorong oleh rasa ingin menyumbang saran, kalo boleh saya bantu menjawab pertanyaan 2 anda :

1.Harga semua mobil saat ini terjun bebas, apalagi yang cc nya gede, mitsubisahi galant th 2000, harga baru(pd saat itu) 390 jt, sekarang 125 jt, Honda Accord th 98 ( bekas ) pd th 2000 harganya 275 juta sekarang 120jt, Suzuki Escudo 2,0 th 2001 wkt barunya 186 jt, sekarang 95 jt an. Yang penting kalo beli seken, harga jualnya stabil, kayak mobilnya hehhhee

2.Harga spare parts relatif, kalo dibanding dengan Suzuki Escudo 2,0 beberapa parts malah lebih murah, misal kampas rem escudo sepasang 730 rb, Zafi sekitar 600an rb, (saya ganti setelah 60.000 km) Kalo dibanding Kijang,tentu Parts Kijang lebih murah tapi daya pakenya mungkin lbh pendek.Filter oli kalo gak salah sekitar 20 rb an.

3.Mobil2 baru umumnya sudah menerapkan pemakaian komputer (ECU) mau gak mau harus berhubungan dg bengkel resmi karena tidak bisa lagi di utak atik secara manual, juga mobil yg sudah pake injection & cdi penyetelannya sudah menggunakan komputer tidak lagi manual.

4.Perawatan Zafira selama saya pakai ( 4 thn/km 60.000 ) tidak banyak masalah, hanya ganti oli mesin rutin setiap 5000km di bkl resmi dan diset menggunakan tech2 (krn, kalo sdh saatnya ganti oli mesin lampu indikator nyala, dan mesti direset serta disetting ulang), rasanya tidak perlu melakukan perawatan2 khusus seperti yang diperkirakan.
5. Ac bahkan sangat dingin karena menggunakan sistem double pendingin(bukan double blower) untuk belakang dan untuk depan

6.Kalo masalah pembeli saya yakin banyak peminat karena modelnya cantik tidak gampang ketinggalan jaman, mobilnya kompak tapi interiornya lega, muatnya banyak kayak kijang, bensinnya irit, sangat nyaman dikendarai, bantingannya lembut, di polisi tidur gak berasa, kayak naik sedan klas atas ( BMW/Merci) hehehhe bukan promosi loh, cuman pengalaman aja hehhehe

7.Sampai saat ini saya belum pernah ganti sp parts fast moving sampai2 indent dulu, gak tahu kalo yang slow moving. Rasanya sih dengan dukungan GM Indonesia hal itu belum akan terjadi.

Demikian komen saya, mohon maaf kalo ada yang kurang pas jawabannya, tapi itu semua berdasarkan pengalaman memakai Zafira CD manual sejak th 2002 ( ganti kampas sekali, ganti timing belt sekali, ganti busi sekali, ganti oli filter setiap 5000 km, tutup busi sekali)
Semoga segera dapat Zafir yang mulus lagi murah...hehhehhe selamat berburu.

William (baw1ll8182@yahoo.com)

----- Original Message ----
From: Ninja 97 <ninja_nt7@yahoo.com>
To: zafira@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:14:10 PM
Subject: Zafira: Nasib masa depan zafira/chevrolet

Halo semua,

Saya bergabung dengan milis ini krn tertarik dengan mobil zafira dan ada kemungkinan mau membeli secondnya.

Dari hasil melihat2 archive, saya bisa simpulkan:
- Harga zafira terjun bebas, kalau dijual kembali.
- Harga perawatan dan spare-part zafira mahal. (ga tau bila dibanding
mobil lain, maklum saya belum pernah punya mobil..hehe)
- Zafira harus diservis di bengkel resmi, krn tdk sembarang bengkel bisa, dan spare part tidak ada yg menjual selain bengkel resmi.
- Jumlah bengkel resmi sedikit sekali. Kalau dikurangin dengan bengkel
resmi yg kurang baik, dihitung2 bengkel resmi yg baik itu sepertinya langka banget. :)
- Perawatan zafira harus ekstra hati2 dan teliti. krn mobilnya cukup ruwet n kompleks. saking canggihnya :)

Tapi, melihat harga secondnya yg cukup menggiurkan, masih kepengen gitu loh. Kalo boleh tanya, ada beberapa hal yg sangat mengganggu pikiran :)

- Apakah zafira matic bisa parkir paralel? Apa kuncinya bisa dicabut kalo gigi dlm posisi N?
- Saya liat file klinik zafira. katanya spooring hrs hati2, krn ada Contact Unit deket roda yg bisa putus. kalo gitu, spooring saja, harus di bengkel resmi donk? sepertinya segala sesuatu harus dilakukan di bengkel resmi. kalo kepepet gimana nih? :)
- apakah AC-nya memang kurang dingin untuk cuaca panas jakarta di siang hari?
- harga jual kembali sudah pasti jatuh, tapi yg menjadi masalah, bukan harga jual, tapi apakah masih ada orang yg mau beli? katakan umur mobil sdh hampir 10 taun :)
- GM kayanya lagi kritis. sudah mau bangkrut kalo ga bisa bangkit. bagaimana nasibnya nih kalo GM sampe bangkrut? bagaimana dengan sparepartnya? dan spare part hanya ada di bengkel resmi?
- Kalopun GM ga bangkrut, tapi kayanya Indonesia adl prioritas kesekian dari GM. apalagi pabriknya disini sdh ditutup. bagaimana dengan nasib pemilik chevrolet disini? bengkelnya saja kayanya sedikit sekali.
- Apakah sparepart zafira yg fast moving dan non fast moving harus inden? kalo inden, berapa lama biasanya?

Mohon maaf, atas pertanyaannya yg segudang. Saya bukannya mau menjelekkan/ menjatuhkan zafira, tapi butuh pandangan jujur dr komunitas zafira tentang hal2 ini. memang, kalo saya ragu, lalu orang bilang, ya sudah ga usah pake zafira. tapi, siapa tahu kalo dana sdh cukup dan ketemu zafira second yg bagus, saya ada jodoh.

Terima kasih ya.

eddy (ninja_nt7@yahoo.com)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Bocoran desain masih dalam sketsa

muncul di tengah-tengah kejuaraan. Gambarn sketsa pun hanya pada lapangan bola voli pantai di Timmendorfer, Jerman. Penasaran ya?

Mau tahu mengapa mobil imut ini smart (pintar)? Isu kian pa­datnya lahan parkir ru­panya jadi awal perhatian utama smart GmbH. Produk perusahaan yang bernaung dalam grup DaimlerChrysler ini pun enggak jauh dari urusan efisiensi lahan parkir.

Setelah sukses dengan beberapa varian smart, seperti fortwo, roadster dan forfour, ki­ni pabrikan yang bermarkas di Boblingen, Jerman ini meluncurkan model anyar fortwo.

Lucunya, kampanye gencar ini enggak menampilkan mobil utuh, melainkan hanya patung yang diukir dari pasir.


Dengan karakter itu, smart fortwo cocok banget dipakai di perkotaan. Bayangkan di ibu kota negeri tercinta, panjang deretan kendaraan saat macet berkurang setengah jika semuanya naik mobil berpenumpang dua orang ini.

Enggak hanya itu, satu lajur yang umumnya dipakai kendaraan lain bisa dimuati se­pasang smart yang berjalan ber­dampingan. Mewujudkan hal ini di Jakarta memang bukan hal mudah. Namun sudah terjadi di beberapa kota di Eropa.

Makanya smart meremajakan wajah fortwo. Bagian moncong dapat ubahan lumayan radikal. Misalnya lampu depan yang lebih besar dengan desain kacang, mirip headlamp Mercedes-Benz. Hidungnya juga lebih mancung. Gril lebar mirip orang tertawa pada fortwo lama diperkecil se­hingga lebih man is.

Buritan juga lebih keren. Tiga buah lampu pada model lama kini tinggal dua dengan ukuran lebih besar. Selebihnya, perbedaan tampak pada garis bodi. Seperti pilar B di belakang pintu yang menyambung dengan atap dan lisplang bawah. Jika sebelumnya menyatu bodi, sekarang jadi lebih tegas dan sporty.

Lucunya, wujud baru smart fortwo yang sangat dinantikan tak kunjung nongol di Paris Motor Show. Patung pasirnya malah

(Otomotif 16 Oktober, 2006)

The Best Used Cars

JULY 5, 2006

By Matt Vella

Certified pre-owned programs offer as-good-as-new cars for less. No wonder they now account for 41% of all used-car sales

Used car salesmen may have a bad reputation, but that sure doesn't seem to keep U.S. consumers from buying used cars. In 2004, we bought 13.6 million new cars and light trucks and leased 3.3 million new cars and light trucks—but went home with 42.5 million used cars and light trucks, an increase of just under 12% from 1990, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

But these days, used cars are better than ever, thanks to certified preowned, or CPO, programs, which were created by auto makers to resell cars coming off lease. The manufacturer cleans and inspects each car, slaps on a warranty comparable to one found on a new car, and sells it at a premium—although still for much less than the cost of a new car.

Best of all, for the manufacturer and dealer at least, these CPO cars can only be sold, not leased, so they put no drag on inventory.

Introduced in the 1980s, CPO programs have proved so popular that a study by J.D. Power & Associates stated that, by 2005, they accounted for 41% of all used-car dealership sales, an increase of 4% over the previous year.

WEAK ECONOMY HELPS. To get an idea of the numbers: As of last month, year-to-date CPO sales were up 2% at General Motors (GM), where slowdowns at Saturn and Saab were offset by growth at Cadillac and Hummer. Sales also rose 7.8% at Mercedes-Benz, 14% at Chrysler Group, 23% at BMW, and 105.6% at Toyota (TM), exclusive of Lexus.

Read the full story...